Feedback on Public Services Consultation Launched

The Government is seeking your views on how complaints about public services should be dealt with.

This includes: 

  • seeking information on your experiences of making a complaint about public services
  • asking for your views on how an independent complaint reviewer should operate in Jersey

Your contributions to this consultation will inform the development of proposals to improve the way complaints are resolved at a final stage. 

This includes the potential for introducing a Public Services Ombudsman. 

Feedback on Public Services Consultation – Consultation Paper

Consulta de Feedback sobre os Serviços Públicos​

The Government welcomes comments from:

  • members of the public who have made a complaint against a public service
  • members of the public who have thought about making a complaint against a public service
  • professional stakeholders such as local organisations who deliver public services, independent complaint reviewers and the legal community

How to submit comments to the consultation

Complete the Feedback on Public Services survey

Complete the Feedback on Pub​lic Services survey in Portuguese ​

You can also submit a written response, comment or question by email or post.​ 

Paper copies of the survey are available on request from the Public Hall or by contacting the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department as detailed below:

Email: [email protected]

Post: Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance

Government of Jersey

Union Street

St Helier