Les Nouvelles de St Martin – Parish magazineLé Magâsîn d’la Pâraisse

Les Nouvelles de St Martin is our Parish magazine produced quarterly. Copies are delivered to each household in the Parish and a limited number of additional copies are available at the Public Hall, on a first-come basis, about 10 days after the initial delivery has been completed. Delivery is usually about 2 to 3 weeks after the editorial deadline.

Starting with the Winter 2023 Edition, Susan Parker has taken over as editor of “Les Nouvelles”. Thanks to our previous editors, Graham Crosby, Karen Stone and most recently Hamish Marett-Crosby, and all the contributors for their wonderful work, bringing us reports and news in our thriving parish magazine.

Susan can be contacted by email at [email protected] or at 07797 916991 (mobile).

For distribution queries & advertising enquiries please contact Mr Martyn Farley email: [email protected]