Gorey Pier Stabilisation Works – Update from Ports of Jersey
The Parish has recently received the following update from Ports of Jersey regarding the future stabilisation works for Gorey Pier:
Since the closure of the landing stage at the end of 2023 we have been continuing to survey and monitor the pier arm and pier head to understand its current stability. This includes wave modelling, LIDAR scans, bathymetric surveys and regular crack monitoring, this data allows us to analyse the movement within the structure as part of the planning for its stabilisation. The next stage is for more intrusive site investigations and following competitive tender, UK company Terra Firma are confirmed as the contractor to undertake these works which will include drilling boreholes and trial pits on and around the pier arm and pier head to provide confirmation on the pier make-up and footings. The pier is grade 1 listed so pre-planning advice for this stage of the project was submitted in 2024 and a planning application for the site investigation has been submitted to enable this next phase to proceed. The date that the works will commence will be subject to planning consent so we will notify you when this is confirmed. It is anticipated that there could be minor restrictions to access for short periods of time during the site works. You will be notified in advance of any restrictions that could impact you. The results of the site investigation work will then inform the main works planning application that will be submitted to remove the failing landing stage and stabilise the pier. In preparation for the start of the boating and visitor season the lower and upper deck of the landing stage will be fitted with fixed barriers, these additional safety measures will be put in place to ensure that the closed landing stage cannot be accessed. Thank you for your continued support. Ande Vibert Harbours – Public Service Obligations Manager