Housing AssociationAssociâtion d’Louogeais

The Parish of St Martin Housing Association

The St Martin’s Conservation & Development Plan, drafted by a Committee set up at the invitation of I.D.C in 1989 by the then Connétable Mr Stanley de la Haye, and later approved by the States in December 1993, recommended:

  • That the Parish implement the development of old persons’ homes
  • States Loan family houses and starter homes within the rezoned areas.

On the 7th December 1993 the States approved the St Martin’s Village Conservation and Development Plan. A Parish Assembly was held on Wednesday 5th January 1994 where parishioners approved by overwhelming majorities that:

  1. Two areas of land be purchased by the Parish
  2. That an “Association” be formed, to be known as “The Parish of St Martin Housing Association”, to be legally independent of the Parish, and
  3. To transfer the land at (1) above to that Association.

The Parish of St Martin Housing Association was incorporated through the Royal Court in 1994, with the Objects of the Association set ‘to provide residential accommodation and any ancillary amenities by whatever mode of tenure it shall have from time to time deem appropriate for persons native to or resident in the Island of Jersey and in particular persons having a close connection with the Parish of St Martin, and to provide assistance, whether financial or otherwise, for the provision of such accommodation’.

The Housing Association subsequently built a complex of 30 affordable first-time buyer homes off Rue de la Haye and in November 2020 built and provided a further 20 affordable first-time buyer homes at Clos Le Troquer, La Grande Route de Faldouet, St Martin.

The current St Martin’s Housing Association Committee members are as follows:-

Chairman: Mr Michel Le Troquer
Treasurer: Mr Terry Jehan
Secretary: Mr Derek Ferguson

Committee members: Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone, Deputy Steve Luce, Procureur Mr Lester Richardson, Revd. Gerry Baudains, Mr Gerald Le Cocq, Mr Peter Germain, Mr John Germain, Mr Silva Yates, Mr Peter Searle, and Mr Nelson (Bob) Le Cornu.

The Association are currently awaiting the release of the new Island Plan in early 2021 before making a decision as to their next project. However, those seeking a first-time affordable home, and in particular those with a connection with the Parish of St Martin, should indicate their interest by completing the attached application form and forwarding it to the Association Secretary at the address shown. This will enable the Housing Association to ascertain the need for future projects. (Please do not send the application form to the Public Hall).

Hard copies are also available from the Public Hall.

Completed forms should be sent to:

The Secretary – Mr Derek Ferguson
St Martin Housing Association
Mont St Martin
La Grande Route de St Martin
St Martin