Meeting Minutes Minnutes des Assembliées
Roads Committee Meeting - 03rd February 2025
VIEW FULL MINUTESRoads Committee Minutes – 3rd February 2025
Roads Committee Meeting - 06th January 2025
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Roads Committee Minutes – 6th January 2025
Roads Committee Meeting - 02nd December 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESRoads Committee Minutes – 2nd December 2024
Assembly Notice - 31st October 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly Minutes 31st October 2024
Parish Assembly - 08th August 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 18th July 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESEcclesiastical Assembly - 23rd May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 04th March 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 16th January 2024
Parish Assembly - 12th December 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 21st November 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESNomination Meeting - 21st November 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 18th July 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 06th July 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 01st June 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESEcclesiastical Assembly - 11th May 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 04th May 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 02nd March 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 26th January 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTES20230523 Nomination Meeting Minutes 26.01.23 – Approved
Assembly Notice - 05th December 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAssembly Notice - 04th August 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAssembly Notice - 14th July 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAssembly Notice - 01st June 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESApproval of the Minutes of the Nomination Meeting held on 21st April 2022 and the Minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 22nd February 2022 were both approved.
An application for a 6th Category licence for Eastside Cafe, Le Mont de Gouray was also approved.
Christopher Kelleher was elected as Roads Inspector for the Vingtaine de l’Eglise replacing a previous Roads Inspector’s term of office which expires on 31st December 2023.
Nomination Meeting - 21st April 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESA Nomination Meeting was held in the Public Hall on Thursday 21st April at 7pm for the following business:
To elect one Centenier to complete a term of office expiring June 2025.
A nomination form for each candidate for election was produced to the meeting and was completed by a proposer and 9 seconders who are electors in the Parish.
Centenier Gordon Jones was re-elected unopposed to serve for a 3 year term of office.
Honorary Police presentations were made following the meeting.
Parish Assembly - 22nd February 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Martin will be held in the Public Hall, at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 to: –
- Receive and if deemed advisable, approve the Minutes of the Parish Assembly held on Thursday 9th December 2021.
- Consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application for a provisional grant of a licence for 2022 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended: –
Name: Eastside Cafe
Address: Le Mont de Gouray, St Martin, JE3 6ET
Category: 3rd Category
Secretary: Dawn Carrel
Business Address: Eastside, Le Mont de Gouray, St Martin, JE3 6ET
- Consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application for a provisional grant of a licence for 2022 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended : –
Name: Mont Orgueil Castle Cafe
Address: Mont Orgueil Castle, La Route de la Cote, St Martin, JE3 6DR
Category: 3rd & 7th Category
Secretary: Michael Bee
Business Address: Mont Orgueil Castle, La Route de la Cote, St Martin, JE3 6DR
- To seek approval of the acceptance of a gift of land known as a section of field MN720 to be developed for the Parish Wetlands Project. All legal fees are to be met by the Parish.
Public Hall, St. Martin Karen Shenton Stone
16th February 2022 Connétable
Copies of the previous minutes will be available from the Public Hall, during office hours, from Thursday 17th February 2022.
Parish Assembly - 09th December 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held in the Public Hall, at 7.00 pm on Thursday 9th December 2021 to elect two Rates Assessors to serve for a 3 year term of office. Both Martin Houguez and William Sutton were re-elected unopposed for a further 3 year term of office.
The Connetable also provided the Assembly with an update on the renovation of the Rectory Barn.
Parish Assembly - 30th September 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held in the Public Hall, at 7.00 pm on Thursday 30th September 2021 to present quotes received for the provision of kerb-side recycling and for the Principals and Electors of the Parish to elect for the introduction of a kerb-side recycling service for the Parish to commence on 1st March 2022.
Nomination Meeting - 05th August 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESProcureur Germain declared Alan Richard Phillips duly elected as a Centenier; Lester Arthur Richardson duly elected as a Procureur du Bien Public.
Parish Assembly - 05th August 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESRozalia Nicholas was unanimously elected as an Officier du Connétable for the Vingtaine Fief de la Reine. Christopher Garbutt was unanimously elected as an Officier du Connétable for the Vingtaine de Rozel.
Parish Assembly - 22nd July 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held for the following business: receive and if deemed advisable, adopt the audited accounts of the Connétable for the financial year ended 30 April 2021; place at the disposal of the Roads Committee an amount required for the upkeep of the by-roads during the financial year ending 30 April 2022; consider the estimates for the presumed requirements for the financial year ending 30 April 2022 and tax the rate accordingly; elect a Committee to examine the Connétable’s accounts for the year ending 30 April 2022; appoint a firm of Chartered Accountants to audit the Connétable’s Accounts for the year ending 30 April 2022.
Ecclesiastical Assembly - 27th May 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of Principals, Officers and Electors of the Parish of St. Martin was held in the Public Hall on Thursday, 27th May 2021 at 7.30pm to: –
- Receive and, if deemed advisable, approve the Minutes of the Ecclesiastical Assembly of 13th October 2020.
- Receive and, if deemed advisable, approve the Churchwardens’ Accounts for the financial year 1st May 2020 to 30th April 2021.
- Elect two Churchwardens for one term of office.
- Elect two Almoners for one term of office.
Parish Assembly - 25th May 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable declared Mark Cobden duly elected as a Vingtenier for the Vingtaine de Rozel. The Chef de Police, Gordon Jones, and the Connétable presented framed certificates of long service awards to three retired officers.
Parish Assembly - 08th February 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESSamuel Falle was unanimously elected as Vingtenier for the Vingtaine de Faldouet.
Parish Assembly - 01st December 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESMichael Jehan, Daniel Wherry and Richard Le Cornu were re-elected as Roads Committee members; Martin Pallot and Arthur Manning as Inspectors for Vingtaine de Faldouet; Stephen de la Haye and Paul Le Bihan as Inspectors for Vingtaine de la Queruee; Steven Rondel and Lee Vallois as Inspectors for Vingtaine de l’Eglise; Colin de la Haye and Michael Baudains as Inspectors for Vingtaine de Rozel; Sean Corson and Steven de Gruchy as Inspectors for Vingtaine du Fief de la Reine.
Parish Assembly - 24th November 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held for the following business: elect one Vingtenier for the Vingtaine Fief de la Reine; elect one Vingtenier for the Vingtaine de la Queruee; elect one member to serve on the Parish Rate Assessment Committee for three years; consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application from Sea Horse Coffee Shop for a provisional grant of a licence for 2020.
Nomination Meeting - 09th November 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable declared Teresa Roland was duly elected as a Centenier.
Parish Assembly - 09th November 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Assembly unanimously accepted the application by Moorings Hotel Holdings Limited for a provisional grant of a license for 2020.
Ecclesiastical Assembly - 13th October 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESJackie Edwards was elected unopposed as Churchwarden for one term of office. Joan Richard was elected unopposed as Almoner for one term of office.
Parish Assembly - 06th October 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to seek approval of the acceptance of a gift of property which will enhance the country lane of La Rue de la Solitude.
Parish Assembly - 23rd July 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: receive and if deemed advisable, adopt the audited accounts of the Connétable for the financial year ended 30 April 2020; place at the disposal of the Roads Committee an amount required for the upkeep of the by-roads during the financial year ending 30 April 2021; consider the estimates for the presumed requirements for the financial year ending 30 April 2021 and tax the rate accordingly; elect a Committee to examine the Connétable’s accounts for the year ending 30 April 2021; appoint a firm of Chartered Accountants to audit the Connétable’s Accounts for the year ending 30 April 2021.
Ecclesiastical Assembly - 16th May 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to receive and, if deemed advisable, approve the Churchwardens’ Accounts for the financial year 1st May 2018 – 30 April 2019; elect Church Officers for 2019-2020.